An interactive database of Ecosophy projects created by participants of the Intro to Philosophy for Ecological Action course, presented by Grokkist.

IPEA Cohorts 1 and 2 Recap FINAL Horizontal.mp4

<aside> ℹ️ How to use this page You can view projects by course cohort, location, and ecosophical and/or philosophical theme. Use the header tabs to switch between views.


Click on a project card for more information about the project. Some information (e.g. ‘Discussion Thread’ links to content that requires course enrolment.

You can filter, sort or search further using the buttons at the top right of the header bar.



🙋🏽 Contact Details

Nathan Dufour - Course Conductor (talk to me about the course)

David Thomas - Community Manager (talk to me about community and course admin)

**Danu Poyner** - Grokkist Founder (talk to me about the Grokkist platform)

What’s this about?

The Intro to Philosophy for Ecological Action course aims to address the ecological crisis by bridging the gap between philosophy and action.

Led by Nathan Dufour, a seasoned educator and artist, the course explores tangible ways to make a difference in the world.

We know we want to ‘save the Earth’ — but what are the concepts underlying our environmental thinking? What is ‘Nature’? What is ‘Ecology’?

More than just philosophy to think about, it's an experience that manifests itself in a form of action you can take, that can save some small part of your world.

Along the way, we'll cultivate a sense of community while gaining practical tools and strategies for taking action towards a more sustainable future.

The course culminates in a final project where we push ourselves to generate an abstract statement of our Values, and concretely join them to our concrete plans of Action.

Ecosophy Final Project Guidance.pdf

👀 Information for visitors

🔖 Information for participants

🗺️ Explore Ecosophy Action Projects

Untitled Database